spreading the awareness of Deaf, DeafBlind
and Hard of Hearing's art and performances

Paint & Wine 2016
Deaf Arts Festival wants to recognize the following people for making this event a success. Without them, this would be dream instead.
Jane Fijal for hosting this event on Grosse Ile
Kathy Derderian for assisting teaching artists by purchasing supplies, set up and clean up for the event
Darlene Weir for designing, setting up and teaching the community how to paint beautiful trees
Monica and Roman Imelowski for inspiring people to come to Paint and Wine by creating a demo painting of Detroit's skyline. This idea was brainstormed by Kathy and Jane then Monica/Roman materialized that dream on canvas.
Grosse Ile Golf and Country Club for welcoming the fundraising event at their club.
Various volunteers who assisted to make the event even better.