spreading the awareness of Deaf, DeafBlind
and Hard of Hearing's art and performances

Featured Artists Presented

Jennifer Gomez Tandoc
Mark Naeyaert
Tony Fowler
Darlene Weir
Darlene Weir is a deaf artist from Troy, Mchigan where she currently works from her own studio. As a child, Darlene was inspired by her aunt who was a deaf professional artist. Her aunt taught her how to draw and paint. She has been painting ever since. Stilll-life art is her speciality. As an adult, she took art courses at Bloomfield Art school.
Ellen Mansfield
Born Deaf in Manhattan, New York in 1960 but grew up in New Jersey for 7 years. Went to public school where Ellen learned poorly without sign language and interpreters. Spent all summers in Goldens Bridge countyside, north of New York City. She earned a BFA in illustration from the School of Visual Arts in New York City.
Michelle Osterhout
...Michelle Osterhout, deaf resides in Goodrich Michigan. Artistic eye and a love of unique jewelry as a child.
...BFA from R.I.T.'93 and owner of ...elle's expressions in unique jewlry/arts, a small side business. ASL Adjunct at MCC Flint/Lapeer Campuses and LEAP Playgroup Teach of DEAF C.A.N.
Arts Beats and Eats Awards
DAF artist -- elle's expressions ~ jewelry/arts, 2nd place, 2012
DAF artist-- elle's expressions ~ jewelry/arts, honorable mention 2013
DAF artist-- elle's expressions ~ jewelry/arts, participant 2014