spreading the awareness of Deaf, DeafBlind
and Hard of Hearing's art and performances

Paint & Wine
Fundraising Event
with instructors, Monica & Roman Imelowski
Darlene Weir

You are welcome to join us to dine at the country club during our break. If you would like to enjoy their turkey Dinner buffet
(turkey with gravy, pork loin, potatoes (redskins?) broccoli, fettuccine with white sauce) with salad: $12 (inclusive) per person-you need to RSVP your seat. You can purchase your meal there.

How to get there?
Go over the bridge and join us. Click on picture below for map.
When you come to the island, one way to get there is by coming down on I-75 south, exit 32 to Grosse Ile.
Put the address,
Grosse Ile Golf & Country Club
9339 Bellevue Road
Grosse Ile Twp., MI 48138
on your GPS.
If you get lost, text 734-637-5999.
A choice of picture to paint
You can choose a picture and enjoy creating your art.

If you prefer to pay cash, email and find out who you could give the cash to in order to save your spot.
Or you could mail your check. Click below for address.